Excerpts of Mortimer introducing
WSM to the Begonia Society of the Central Coast (January 3, 2006): |
Born into a depressed region on the coast of Maine to
a family of blueberry farmers, William was often looked to by friends
and he was quick to realize the potential of his fellow boys and girls
by encouraging them to find a quiet place away from verbal discourse.
His parents, concerned about his anti-social behavior sent William to
summer camps and clubs to encourage him to open up and find value in the
personal struggle each of us must face throughout our lives
In school William saw recognition as fleeting and as useful as a cloud on a sunny day, although he did win several prestigious awards, the Tom Sawyer award for hard work, the Du-Pont letter of higher achievement in sustainable living, the Hershey Cocoa Bean, and the prize that perhaps, if any prize could, make his eyes sparkle most, first place in Butter View High Schools, Better Science thru Living competition, where he entered a scale operating model of a glacier moving full tilt in the northern reaches of the continent. In an effort to grasp the 'problem' with divorce, alcohol, drugs, abusive parents, rape and murder William joined the armed services and found himself in a remote outpost in central Florida. Still, no matter how much he forced himself to indulge in air conditioning, ice cream, water, girls, and all the privileges a uniform can bring, William could only see the equality of all people, even in their most human, and upon returning to the American way of life worked the family farm and reflected on his experiences. This was a turning point for young William. It was in service to this nation that he earned the reputation, "William 'fast as a glacier' Miles'". At the farm that he lived it, after taking 27 years to pick a blueberry, he realized he would have to take initiative and personal action if he really wanted anything meaningful to happen in life. Then, after having taken the time to pick a few more blueberries and reflect on this point of awakening, he stood up and said, "I can be anything I want to be," and went to have breakfast. "Now if only there where a deep meaning and purpose to all this," he reflected over tea. "Than I would have direction. I must involve myself in the matters of man. I must dive deep, once again, into the wonder of being human and all the circumstance that it brings," and walked back out to the fields to pick a berry. It was in that field that I met William S. Miles. I was driving my 2012 MkXXII in the skies above when I heard a misfire in the number 3 reactor, knowing the hazard this could bring I searched for a place to land and park the vehicle safely since the warranty wouldn't begin for another 7 years and then would last only an hour of two before the warranty, the car, or any damage it could do would not matter much anyway. It was then that the number 11 reactor popped. I knew this puppy had to be brought down and soon when I saw a large field of soft green and blue bushes. Tearing out of control thru the skies, crashing onto the field, skipping like a large rock in a still pond and ripping up 100 yards of blueberry bushes and 3 feet deep of topsoil, I came to a halt not 6 feet from Mr. Miles who had just picked a berry. He looked up and waved. Then he smiled, a smile like the dawning sun.
As worlds open an eye for the first time with joy and wonder for the
events ahead. It is with this smile in mind, that I present William
S Miles. |
William S Miles Sponsored by: |